Web 3 Blockchain.infovys
Web 3 Blockchain.infovys

Have you been curious about web3? Then sit back and relax as you have found the pertinent answer. This article talks about web3, its merits, and its features.

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Before taking a deep dive into web3, we need to understand web1 and web2. So, let’s take a look at the history of web1 and web2.


In the early innings of the internet, there was the first version called Web 1.0. It was erected to be used by organizations rather than individuals. In this era of the Internet, most pages were built using HTML language. Only a few people or computer experts knew how to operate and use the internet back then. Most large corporations used to appoint computer experts to operate the internet.

In the first version of the web, content viewers were many. However, content creators were less. Back then, the internet was also costly. Due to this reason, very few people could afford devices like computers and the internet.


With the changing trend in the use of the internet, Web 2.0 has come up with an aim of improved web 1.0 in terms of functionalities. Web 2.0 was the prime scale-up from 1.0. It became more widespread and popular as it offered various information, peer-to-peer interaction, content creation, and blogging, anytime availability.

The internet became less costly as user engagement increased due to social media platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Spotify, Soundcloud, and more. Well-off families would invest in an internet cable. It became popular because of its features like rich user experience, dynamic content, and many more.


So basically, from all the above information we can say that Web 1.0, was the era of decentralized, open protocols, in which most was read-only for most users, online activities involved navigating to individual static webpages. Web2, allowed users to both read & write on centralized platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and many more. Web3 is supposed to break the world free of that dominative control. Web3 gives users full ownership over their content, data, and assets via blockchains. It empowers users to read-write-own.

Web3’s defining feature is ownership. After the second version, the third version will come into the picture, based on smart computer applications like Artificial Intelligence. It is meant to use blockchains, 3D graphics, metaverse, and the Semantic Web.

Features of Web3

  • Trustless
  • Permissionless
  • Decentralization
  • Connectivity
  • Open and Robust


With the evolution of the Internet and with web3, we have overcome the demerits of web2 and web1. Although, if you’re into technology, you may know that such things already exist in the current version of the internet. Some of the features of web3 are already being implemented as we speak. Web3 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web based on blockchain technology, which incorporates concepts such as decentralization and token-based economics.

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